Tuesday 15 May 2018

Transition: Evaluation

Final video


In the pre-production it was my job to make the script as we didn't have a script writer. I took a transcript of the actual clip and changed it to work for us. I added characters, British locations among other things that would make it a closed narrative.
I also put out an add and cast our actors, I kept a line of communication with them both and collaborated with them about characters. Due to the late filming times I had to book a hotel for both actors too.
Also I filled out risk assessments for kit, as well as creating the call sheet and schedule for the day. These were all sent to cast and crew to make sure everyone knew what was happening.


During the production I was on hand for the DOP and editor if they had any questions or wanted an opinion on a shot. I made sure actors knew what was going on and when something would happen, I also went through blocking and script readings with them. While the filming was happening I kept a track of the takes that were good and bad, I was also reviewing footage between scenes to see if we needed to do any retakes.


During the post-production I was on hand during the edit to give my opinion and any feedback I had.


Over all I think me, Gavin and Jemma worked well in a team, we collaborated and listened to each other equally. We were able to produce a good piece of work that we can all be proud of. We were good at communicating our thoughts to each other and were respectful of each other's. We were also able to quickly change our shoot location after finding our original one had already been scheduled by another group.
There were times however where communication outside the group wasn't as good. As we were hiring some of the kit there was a miscommunication with dates and we had to use a new camera. I should've involved myself more in the process so that I knew what was happening. There was also a lack of clarification with our actress who had practiced the lines in an American actress, however when I confirmed we wanted an English accent she was able to do so effectively. 

What I'd like to improve:

  • Confidence within my role, I'd like to be more confident in what I am doing as the producer. This would come from research and practice but I think it would fix the few issues we had.
This has been a really good learning opportunity and I enjoyed my role as producer a lot.

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