Thursday 10 May 2018

Transition: Blocking

Set dressing

The main set and only one that needed dressing was the living room in the house. 
The idea was that Jessica had been triggered by the ashes "Dan" had brought over, she then trashed the flat out of frustration. We wanted to show her superhuman strength as well as have everyday objects that hinted to her personality. Therefore the sofa is over turned, there is a pin board where she is tracking Kilgrave and empty alcohol bottles because of her addiction.

Through out the test shoots I made notes on lighting, character info or set design on my script to make sure I had it on the day of filming.

Day 1 30/04/18

After the set was dressed, we had to wait for the lighting to get low enough to start filming.
Gavin set up the lighting outside with the intent of having harsh lighting. He then experimented with the camera he had which allowed him to get to grips with it. We all then reviewed the footage to see if we liked it.

Day 2 01/05/18

It was decided that some of the lighting needed to be changed to make the footage watchable, the master shot needed a key light on Jessica's face, the ash needed to be light in a way which meant it could be seen but also wasn't blocked by moving actors.

We also blocked through the hallway scene, this shot required a lot of trial and error. As I was the stand in Jemma and Gavin tested out the look of hallway lights with the assistance of a handheld light. I was able to review the footage with them and it was decided that we needed street light, this was done by putting one of lights outside with a diffuser.

For the exterior scene we shot on the path outside the house. Gav used a rig to get the long steady shot that Jemma wanted for the edit. In this scene you can hear Jessica from outside trashing the flat, however Malcolm doesn't yet know it's her. 
Gav and Jemma blocked through this in multiple ways, they came to me with what they came up with and I thought this was best for the scene. 

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