Thursday 10 May 2018

Transition: Casting

For our remake of Jessica Jones I knew I wanted it set in the UK, this would make it easier for external filming with the British iconography rather then trying to find somewhere that looks like America. We therefor needed actors that could help sell the location of the scene.
I put out an ad on for both Malcolm and Jessica's roles early in the project and received a lot of applications for the roles.

After going through showreels, I consulted the rest of the group on who I thought would work for the roles. In the end we went with Gemma Simons and Sam Topper, they were both really enthusiastic about the production and were already big fans of Jessica Jones. 

Link to Sam's Audition video

The intention I had for their personalities were I had wanted Jessica to be independent and strong (similar to the original character intention) compared to Malcolm, I wanted a juxtaposition between the two of them.
I found that Gemma and Sam gave these things in their performances of the characters.

After this I kept in regular contact with them about their roles: what they'd need to wear, what to expect on the day, I sent them call sheets and scripts whenever there was an update. On the day of filming they were given phone numbers for the crew to contact when they needed us. I also ran through scripts with them and the schedule for the day so that they knew what was happening at certain points in the day.
Due to the late finish of our filming (1 am) I booked a hotel for both actors for the night from they they were able to travel home in the morning.

Over all I think the choices for the characters were good, the actors worked really well with each other on their first meeting and we were able to collaborate with them about how they felt the character's would behave in certain situations.

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