Friday 4 May 2018

Transition: Script


Before I re-wrote parts of the script I wrote a transcript of the clip so that I had all the dialogue written down in front of me. This allowed me to be able to refer back to the original dialogue at multiple times and assisted me in the script writing.

Script draft 1

From there I was able to make the 1st draft of the script. I made some slight changes to allow it to be a self contained narrative, for example the superhero Whizzer became Dan a drug addicted friend of Jessica's.

The idea behind my rewrite was that a friend of Jessica (Dan) had come by scared for his life, he'd brought Jessica's families ashes as an attempt to get her on side but it had the opposite effect. We later find out that he has been in an accident and Jessica suspects this is linked to the drugs he has in his bag.

Draft 2

In the second draft there were slight line changes, a prescription drug that was in the original transcript was changed to Meth as this would 1. fit the character and 2. be a more familiar drug to an audience. I had decided that it would be based in England as this would allow us to film outside without needing to have any American iconography.

3rd Draft

Final draft

The final script had one line change in which Malcolm recognises the name Dan from the news, he is the one who tells Jessica about the accident. This is then the trigger for her to snap back into work mode and try to help her friend. During filming there was also ad-lib from actors which we encouraged as we wanted their interpretation of the character as much as mine.

Over all the scripting for the remake went fairly smoothly, it defiantly helped having a transcript and when we blocked through scenes I was able to take notes on what sounded right and what didn't. As well as this with blocking I got to hear feedback from the rest of the group on what they thought and whether they thought it was true to character. All of this made the scripting process a lot faster to work through.

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