Saturday 22 September 2018

Pre-Production - Briefing


For our first day back we covered all that would be required for the third year.
Out of the two options we have for this first unit (High concept and Major Production Package) I am doing the Major Production Package. This requires all the budgeting, casting, scripting, camera tests, storyboards/shooting scripts and research, that will be carried onto the production in the new year. This is because we are doing a documentary and this will allow me to do all the necessary research to take into production.

We also had a meeting with Simon confirming roles and ideas. My group (myself- Producer, Jemma- Director and Gavin- DOP) are doing a documentary focusing on LGBT people. 
Our idea has developed greatly and we are now decided on focusing on 'Straight Drag Queens' with opinions from people in both the 'Straight community' and the LGBT community. Simon found this idea interesting and made sure we considered different Doc formats such as 20 1 min docs, we have decided that it would be better for it to be a full 20 minuet doc allowing us to focus and cover a lot of detail.

For this project I will be the Producer, I'll be researching into different Producers in both Documentary and Mainstream TV shows. I'll also be research documentaries as a whole and the subject matter we are covering, this will allow me to write a script that is relevant and to the point for filming. My role will also require me to do casting, budgeting and scheduling etc. I'll be doing research into all of this so that I can do it as effectively as possible.

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