Wednesday 14 November 2018

Pre-production: Scheduale

“When things don’t go like you planned, and in my experience, that has happened on every single film and in a way, I’m thankful for that because anytime I’ve had an idea for a film and then had the good fortune to make it, my ideas about what it was going to be, what came out at the end was better than I could have imagined,” (Indie Wire, When things don't go as planned)

I created two different schedules one being a monthly one that had uni deadlines as well as deadlines I had set and other things for the doc, the other being the shooting schedule for the week in February that we are filming.
To help me come up with the format for the schedule I looked into other schedules online and took inspiration from that. 

(Example Production schedule for My Place My Space) 
From this I learnt that it's better to keep the schedule as simple as possible with only the details needed in it. It's also better to do it to as accurate times as possible this way you can see clearer if the schedule is being kept to.

Original filming schedule

After our pitch update Simon suggested extending the schedule so that we have longer to film and everything isn't as time pressured.

"Add 10% That applies to the number of days on the schedule and to the length of each individual day, because there’ll always be something that crops up: setting up or breaking down the set taking longer than expected, a sudden rain cloud halting production for half an hour, an actor wanting to experiment, or simply forgetting to budget time for lunch and breaks" - (New York Film Academy)
Revised filming schedule

The new schedule allows more time for filming and also lets us prepare any paper work needed for the next day and review what we'd like to shoot. I colour coded it so that it can be looked at with one glance and not confuse people.

Month Schedule

To ensure that crew are keeping to deadlines I created a monthly schedule that everyone could access and look at/update whenever they need to.

Revised schedule

After meeting with Helen and talking about the schedule I've moved around some times for logistical reasons and scheduled in lunches and dinners as you can't always guarantee you'll remember to do it.

I then had to alter the dates for filming as Tanya had something come up, so filming was brought forward.

For each day I've set out targets for things that need to be filmed, and times allotted for it.

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