Tuesday 6 November 2018

Pre-Production: Marketing

For our documentary marketing was an important thing I wanted to use to both gain publicity for the project but also gain potential contributors. 
Part of this process was to create and establish a brand, our 'company' name is Rum and Coke Productions aka R&C Productions. From there Gavin got in contact with someone he knew and from there our logo was created. The logo features on all R&C social media accounts and would be included on all paperwork that was created.

From there the 1st thing we needed to do was create a facebook account where we could share our progress of production with a following. In order to try and gain a larger following I shared our group page with other Drag Queen pages with a big following of people as well as encouraging crew to share it on their own personal facebooks.

After that I created the R&C Instagram page, this is where we can share any photos we take from behind the scenes and again show our progress through out production. As Instagram as an easier reach globally this is where we'd like to gain a larger following of people. 

After these two social media accounts were established I created a poster to share looking for any Drag Queen contributors. I created this on CANVA and used stock images as we don't have any photos taken yet.


For our actual poster on Saturday the 24th we will be going to Exeter to meet Tanya to take photos. 
Gavin will take the photos and I got in contact with a graphics student who has been briefed about what we wanted, to give them enough time to give us drafts of the poster.

For our poster we’d like it to resemble the creative and new approach that Tanya (picture below) has brought to drag. We’d be taking pictures some time between November 28th and December 7th out of drag, ideally we’d like the poster done before the 11th (deadline) however it’s ok if it’s not. The actual concept would be a black a white picture of Tanya with sketchy line art over her (line art in bright and vibrant colours), similar to her logo - We sent this over to the graphics student along with some pictures for help.

We went to take pictures of Tanya which were a great success these were then sent to the designer and are being made into the poster currently.


Our website is where all of our pre-production package will be, it's linked to all of our social media accounts and publicity accounts. It's rainbow and brightly coloured to represent the LGBTQ+ community.

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