Sunday 18 November 2018

Pre-production- Gang Girls Review

Girl Gangs is a BBC 3 documentary presented by Livvy Haydock, she explores the culture of girls in gangs to understand the real stories behind the rising trend in sexual exploitation and violence against girls by gang members - BBC 3 It's a short form documentary that lasts 13 minuets and was released in January of 2017. 

In this doc she has access to safe houses for women who have been part of gangs, and speaks to them about the things they do to be apart of these gangs. She meets members who have been involved in violence for decades of their lives, interviews with these girls are done in a way that means their identity isn't being released and safety isn't compromised. 
It uses graphics of what is being said in replies to the interview questions to emphasis the importance of they are saying.

Access to the Kings College hospital project where a project is occurring where they identify and reach out to young girls at risk, and talk to them to try to get them out of that situation.


From this documentary I have learnt:

  • How to effectively interview contributors without risking their identity/security, while this isn't needed in our doc it is a good method to be aware of.
  • How building a good relationship with contributors means they will open up to interviewers, this is shown through the information that the crew get in their interviews, we can do this with our doc building a relationship with interviewees means they are more willing to share information with us.
  • Graphics can help the deliver the importance of a message said in an interview.

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