Monday 19 November 2018

Pre-production: Locations

As the Producer my job extends into looking for locations, to help me with this I looked into the role of location managing and what responsibilities they have. 

Location Manager tasks (Prospects)

  • assessing and interpreting scripts or story boards to get an understanding of the location required
  • meeting with the director and designer to discuss projects and working to their creative vision
  • collating ideas and undertaking research using resources such as the internet, specialist location libraries, local and regional film commissions and agencies
  • visiting and photographing locations appropriate to budget in order to assess their suitability
  • making preliminary enquiries regarding access, parking and location use
  • collating practical information on potential locations, such as hotels for accommodating the crew and cast and in the case of photography shoots, often booking the hotel and making travel arrangements
  • liaising with key members of the production team to assess visual and technical specifications
  • ensuring no disruptive noises or events are likely to occur during the shoot
  • negotiating access and drawing up a contract with location owners
  • organising permissions for access, for example, with local authorities and the police
  • scheduling crew arrival dates and times and keeping all parties informed on site
  • ensuring the technical specifications for equipment, power sources and crew accommodation on site are met
  • ensuring compliance with health, safety and security requirements and undertaking risk assessments
  • distributing maps and directions to locations, often known as movement orders, to ensure all services and crews reach the locations as directly, safely and quickly as possible
  • providing all relevant support information to all services and crew
  • arranging schedules for the day with the assistant director to ensure continuity
  • managing the location on the day and resolving practical or people-related problems as they arise
  • supervising location support staff throughout the process
  • dealing with members of the public who may intrude upon a shooting location
  • ensuring the final clearing up ('the wrap') runs smoothly and thanking site owners.
This helped me know what I should be doing when looking for a location. It showed me the importance for organisation with emails and knowing who has replied and when you have messaged people.
Through having this knowledge I then looked into ways I could find locations online. 

Some tips I found from diyphotography include;
  • Take professional photos of locations 
  • Google the address to work out distance (this also helps with budget when paying for travel)
  • Utilise the local film office
  • Try location websites
  • Go smaller with kit and crew
From there I discussed with Jemma the Director what kinds of locations she wanted, she asked for a theatre however was happy with a club if we were unable to find a theatre. We already had a small crew that wouldn't take up much space in a location, Tanya has also already agreed we can use her house for filming.


I looked into one club when searching for a location, the Vauxhall Tavern in London was aesthetically pleasing as well as only being a train ride away.

The Royal Vauxhall Tavern is one of London’s most Iconic award-winning cabaret, performance and club night venues which is once again the venue of choice for many leading artists, promoters and the LGBT community. -(about Vauxhall Tavern)
I however received no reply from them so continued looking.


I contacted different theatres in the area however for the most part we couldn't afford to hire it. After going to the RTS futures talk and speaking with some of the people there they suggested not paying for a location and offering something in exchange.
Simon gave me the contact details for the "Tom Thumb Theatre" in Margate and from there I have been able to work out a date and time that works for us as well as allowing them to continuing having shows there. The theatre is where the performance from Tanya will happen, it allows us to set it in an environment that traditionally doesn't look down on Drag Queens. From here I will be looking to arrange a recce of the theatre for photos from Jemma and Gavin and this gives us a chance to meet with the owners and build a working relationship with them. This means that Jemma will be able to work out what kinds of visuals she wants and Gavin can plan how he will film them.
The Tom Thumb Theatre is a family run arts venue in the heart of Cliftonville, Margate. Originally built as a coach house in Victorian times, the building was transformed into one of the smallest theatres in the world in 1984. The Tom Thumb is a striking mix of Japanese and Alpine Architecture, with a quirky, charming interior of velvet seats and flocked wallpaper.
At the Tom Thumb we host spoken-word nights, comedy story-telling and burlesque. We screen indie films and promote live bands, solo performers and DJs. Through a programme of residencies, we support and nurture cutting-edge theatre and experimental performance from across the country. We also have a ramshackle cocktail bar upstairs. With cocktails. Out of jam-jars. (About the Tom Thumb Theatre)

Due to the date we are filming we need to be out of the theatre by 5 so I have scheduled filming to finish at four so we have enough time to pack up and leave.

We're going for a recce on the 4th of December to allow for Gavin and Jemma to see the location fully and plan out their shots, it will also allow me to meet the owners of the theatre.

GV location


To allow for GVs of the area Tanya is in I google mapped the area to give me a general idea of what is there.

*Images from google maps*


I did the same for the area around the theatre too.

*Images from google maps*

Tanya's house

The final location is Tanya's house, after chatting with her about where we can and cannot film it was decided most of the filming would be in the living room/bedroom areas. We're not able to recce Tanya's house until the mew year.

From this I have learnt how to use what you can give for free over money to get a location, we offered the Tom Thumb Theatre a video/publicity from the Doc in return for being able to use the location. Overall finding the Theatre was the most difficult this was because despite not having the budget I was looking at large/grand theatres with a big reputation, smaller businesses would be more likely to exchange service for a video or something we can do.

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