Friday 30 November 2018

Pre-production: LGBT people in documentaries research

Overall from doing my research into different LGBT documentaries I have learnt many things:

  • It's important to have a leading contributor and/or presenter that is related to the subject in some way but can also educate through presentation/their replies to questions. This way the audience can relate to them.
  • A lot of documentaries don't actually look at Bisexuality and if they do they can unintentionally promote negative stereotypes of them In reality, LGBT representation on film and TV went down overall last year. It’s even rarer to see bisexuals represented in the mainstream media, without hosts like Larry King and columnists like Dear Prudence shaming bi people for their sexual habits and discouraging them from living openly. This is something we are aiming to challenge with our Non-Binary, Bisexual lead contributor.
  • Families are a subject that is often talked about in most docs about the LGBTQ+ community, this is something that is no different for our documentary as it's interesting to know what people who are close to the contributors think and how they feel. This also allows for a wider range of opinion from all sides.
How are these documentaries different from others?

LGBTQ+ documentaries are generally trying to achieve different things to other docs. They're often trying to educate/raise awareness for the subject they are about.

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