Monday 30 April 2018

Transition: Pitch

For our pitch we first brain stormed as a group (Gavin-DOP, Jemma-Editor and Myself-Producer) for what we could create and where we could go with it.
We spoke about doing a doc, we had two ways this could go. Drugs- we spoke about doing a documentary on drugs in the UK specifically the lack of education around medical marijuana, however not everyone in the group was comfortable with this idea and we wanted something we all 100% agreed on.
Another option we looked at was drag queens as we have a lot of contacts in that area and are all interested in the subject. However we weren't completely sure where we would take this or what we would do with it so that idea was dropped.
We decided that we would remake an already existing script in our own way.
We came up with different things that we were all interested in and then choose the best one for our group, our options were between Scott Pilgrim, Doctor Who and Jessica Jones. 
As a group we come to the decision that doing a Sci-Fi remake would be too ambitious for the time we had.
After deciding that we would go with Jessica Jones I found a clip for us to re-work, this provided the basis for our pitch.

I found a few of different clips that had a self contained narrative and didn't therefore need the context of the show. The ones I thought were most appropriate were highlighted green.
We decided to use season two episode one as the clip we would remake.

Our pitch looked at our individual roles and how we would rework the original in those roles, as well as giving back ground information about the episode itself/the inspiration behind it.
I wasn't there for the pitch as I was ill however I think my team did very well without me and handled questions as best they could.

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