Friday 20 April 2018

Steal the Style: Rehearsals


13th March 2018

This rehearsal was more about getting to grips with our job roles and how they interlink with each other. 
We only really managed to run through the first half of the show, however we were able to tape down the set and use stand ins for the contribs. 
It was the first rehearsal myself and Jemma used timers, we also used a timer that counted up so that we could get a rough guide for our running order. When our timers ran out we would start the clock and we would then know how long it had gone over by.
Over all given that it was our 1st rehearsal I think we did ok, we all got to grips with what we had to do and how we could do better.

**We as PAs need to be clear on what we're timing otherwise we end up with too many timers and confuse the rest of the crew. I also need to be clearer and more confident in my timings.**

20th March 2018

In the 2nd rehearsal we had our presenters Adeline and Alfie there to run through it, we had the set taped down again and all got back into our roles. The directors were still working out their blocking with the cameras so fair bit of time was spent with them on the floor correcting things. 
This meant that myself and Jemma could run through what we needed to do with the running order. 
Our timers were a more accurate this time, and myself and Jemma were getting more confident with saying the counts to everyone.
I was also working with Gavin who directed my half of the show, asking him how often he'd like counts so that it would help him as much as possible.

Rehearsal with out me

I was ill during this rehearsal however this was the one where they were able to use the music from the musician I found. I sent this over to Jemma and she remixed it into a 1 minuet long song that would be right for the drag act.

18th April 2018

This was the first rehearsal for me in nearly a month as I had been ill so I was keen to catch up, Jemma had informed me of everything that had happened the previous week with rehearsals so I felt prepared.
The morning was a slow start as we had members of the crew missing. The set went up during the morning and then straight after we were able to rehearse with everyone except, Sapphire Stonee, Bonnie and the fashion fails participants. 
We had some issues with the timers as the VTs weren't edited to the correct time but we were able to correct this easily between rehearsals, shifting around some time on the running order.
The morning rehearsals didn't go as well as the afternoon did, I think after everyone got in the flow of things it became a bit easier to know what was going on.

19th April 2018

The rehearsals before the recording of the show went really well. We had some technical issues with the computers and timers however this was quickly resolved and the show ran to time very well.
We were all in high spirits and excited for the recording of the show that afternoon.

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