Wednesday, 4 October 2017

BBC 3 60 second news

As the name of our channel and news piece is Short Attention Span we wanted to keep our news quick, snappy and to the point, especially as seeing our top line is "Short Attention Span productions news for the easily distracted". Because of this I did some research in BBC 3's 60 second news segments to get an idea of how it does professionally.

Example of BBC's 60 second news

For the news segments the stories are kept brief and too the point allowing them to fit a lot in a short space of time, they separate out general news from "show bizz" news again allowing them to have more stories. 
The show is also package heavy given it's short nature if it were to have lives this could potentially over run so by having packages they ensure they keep to time. Any other smaller stories have been fit in through the use of rolling text along the lower third of the screen.
The Anchor also top and tails the packages, by not having the anchor on screen while they play they not only allow for the audience to focus on the information being given to them, but it also means that more screen can be given to the packages. Due to the editing layout for the show it allows them to show two packages at once doubling the information that they can show to the audience.

In conclusion I'll keep in mind how the BBC managed to fit so much information into such a short amount of time through their editing, the fast pace of the show would suit our target audience as it would keep someone's attention.

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