Friday, 7 October 2016

Story-telling unit= Edit workshop: 07/10/2016

Editing workshop with Ferg

In today's workshop we covered mainly the shortcuts on the keyboard for premier such as "J, K and L" for rewind pause/play and fast for-ward, the more you press J or L the faster it will go.
We were then given some clips and audio and told to put it together so the audio made sense (audio is an important part of our project and if it doesn't make sense then the project could be ruined.) we then had to put the video clips in after. 

This is my edit of "Delicious Peace":

I found it relatively easy to pick up the shortcuts and to put them into practice, I think I'll have to go over them a few times so they become second nature for me. 
Over all the thing I found hardest was to know which way around the audio should be for it to make sense, although I did enjoy the task especially when we were putting in the visual clips and cutting them down.

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