Wednesday 28 February 2018

Studio production research- (Entertainment) Friends

(Entertainment) Studio production research- Friends

Friends is a pop culture staple that was a hit from the time it aired in September 1994-May 2004 where is finished after 10 seasons. It follows friends; Rachel, Ross, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe and Joey, through their lives in New York.
The series generally revolves around well known established set pieces, especially in the early years the cafe (Central Perk) and apartments are where most of the story lines unfold. As the series unfolds it includes more sets such as Chandler and Joey's apartment, allowing for wider stories.


In terms of content the show is a comedy with an audience participation int the form of reactions, this is due to the filming being done in front of a live studio audience. 
The show is very much of it's time and since being released on the streaming site Netflix, has received backlash for being homophobic among other things. This is in part due to the changes of humour from the 1990's to the present day. It's still very progressive in its content with challenges to masculinity and female ideologies. 


Aesthetic- The show is typical 90's/early 00's and this is evident through things like set design, costume etc. 
The use of a coffee shop as the main meeting point for characters isn't something usually seen today. 
Comedy- Friends has recently seen controversy since being put on Netflix and being made available to a new audience from a different era. 


The set of Friends is on a studio lot, in the earlier years it focused primarily around one or two locations. As the show's popularity grew it added other locations like Ross's apartment. The set is something that is iconic to the show, specifically Monica's purple apartment as this is where the majority of the stories take place.


Friends has it's lead actors and actresses, Courtney Cox, Jennifer Aniston, Mathew Perry, Lisa Kudrow, Matt Leblanc and David Schwimmer. However they have also had guest appearances from other actors such as Bruce Willis, Winona Ryder and Danny Devito, further increasing the popularity of the show.


The show is a typical live audience sitcom. The set has three walls which not only allow for cameras to be in the action of the scene but also means an audience can view the show. The show isn't shot as live as they do multiple retakes.

In relation to my show idea

In terms of my show idea "The Big Top" Friends isn't really similar in terms of format. How ever their live audience is something that we could be keen to have.

In relation to the commissioned show idea

The set is something that would be similar to our commissioned idea Steal the Style, it needs to be iconic and recognisable as the show's identity. As well as this the live audience is something we would have as it would be "Filmed live".

Over all from this research I have learnt:

  • The importance of set design for iconography
  • That a good working relationship between people on set is important and shows through in their performance.

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