Friday 2 February 2018

Steal the Style: industry research magazines

Industry research


Music has been an influence within fashion for decades, it was a form of rebellion for the punks and rockers growing up in the 70's and 80's. 
(1) Vivienne Westwood who could be argued as the mother of punk caused huge controversy with her fashion designs. The shirts included slogans such as "Cambridge rapist" and naked cowboys.
The idea of the fashion was to go against the already established fashions of the 60's.

Kerrang Issue 1703//06.01.18

Today's punk rock generation are still about being edgy and going against the societal norms of the
generation, this still hugely gets expressed through their clothes.

A bands fashion makes their image and music magazines go out of their way to make their lead stories of the week stand out with their clothes. They're also littered with advertisements for clothing companies, such as EMP who sell band t-shirts etc. so that the public can mimic their favourite singers/artists clothes. 

It was considered by the production team to use music influencing fashion in the 'Steal the Style' show. However as the most notable ways music has influenced style is through punk and rock, it was decided that it did not fit the theme of the show and is therefore no longer being included.


As the 'Steal the Style' colour palette and segments are more mainstream fashion, I decided to look at magazines such as Vogue to get an idea of the fashion and how it is modelled. 

Vogue Feb 2018

(2)Vogue is one of the world's most famous and popular magazines about fashion and for women, it was first published in 1892.

Vogue has a largely female demographic however still includes items targeted at men. 
They generally colour theme their page spreads and use very simplistic shots often only featuring one person with just a background.
Vogue also aims to include the latest/upcoming trends of the season to keep itself relevant. The clothes are clearly displayed and one the page spreads are not over whelmed by the information about either the model or the outfit.

By looking at Vogue I've been able to get a better understanding of how our promo photos can be shot and displayed to follow the theme of the actual show. This is something I can liaise with the promo department about as Assistant Producer to make sure they have a full understanding of what is wanted from them.

Grazia Issue 663 Jan 2018

Grazia is a more high street fashion based magazine. 
It's page spreads display fashion trends in a collage equally shared with the item of clothing and the information about it. 
The brands colour theme of yellow runs through out the publication.
This is not the style that "Steal the Style" is going for however the idea of using the brand colour through out all promotional material, is something I can share with the promo department.
Hello! fashion Feb

Hello magazine is another magazine that is a similar style to "Steal the Style".
They display their outfit collections by colour/trend which is very aesthetically pleasing for the audience reading. This is something that could be used especially in our social media pages as it is more likely to grab a potential viewers attention.

By looking at Hello I was also able to get an idea of some of the latest fashion trends such as Knit wear, this allowed me to become more knowledgeable about what could be included in the show and therefore come up with segment ideas.

Over all I found this research really helpful as not only did it give me a basic knowledge of the current fashions already in the high street, it also gave me ideas that I can liaise with the Promo team about for displaying outfits on our social media pages such as Instagram.
I was also able to see how different target audiences influence how the same fashion trends are shown, for example Vogue magazine had a knitwear jumper on Andrew Garfield with only him in the image. Hello Fashion had a one page spread of various knit wear with all the pries and shops highlighting that their demographic needs to be aware of money.


(1) Anarchy in the UK: A brief history of punk fashion -
(2) Magazine Analysis Of Vogue Media Essay -

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