Monday, 12 February 2018

Steal the style: production meeting notes 12/02/2018

Production meeting notes by me

Register for meeting 

Meeting notes  12/02/2018


Groups will be mixed for the pre-production and then split into two teams for the production.

Need to talk to Simon about graphics
Talk with Katie so scripts can be matched

Steals of the Season:
**Needs four models**
Presenter challenge:
Filmed in two separate groups
**Laura covering locations**
Possibly thinking £60 for this segment, will depend on the store

VT Online Fails:
Screen recording, GVs and voice overs
Documentary style (interviews)
Information heavy with a “slight comedy aspect to it”
Will include a 5 ways to avoid this happening to you part
**Researchers looking for case studies**
**Researchers looking at copyrights incase logos are included**

Old to New:
Trends through the 70’s, 80’s 90’s and 2000’s eg. band shirts. Taking the style of Buzzfeed video
Look for Dad’s-researchers looking for shoes on lend?
Using the presenter from online fails if needed for a voice over
**Two models, one female and one male-20’s/30’s max**
**Researchers finalise styles included**

Using “online/independent sellers”
Contributor found and hugely up for it *George. N has contact*
Following someone

**VT needs a presenter, contributor, 8 models (possibly reusing models) overall everyday people**

Need a list of who is doing VT during production
Getting dates for VT for presenters


Look into doing a poster

Trailer ideas:
Person walking into a store stealing a mannequin **using hosts from the show in it** (Steal the style)- Connor looking into locations in Sittingbourne/Roch has said we can use their fashion space
Promo with hosts, various 10 sec long clips-maidstone studios with logo and time included at the end
1 trailer with a lot of variety 10 second clips

Style and graphics:
Preferably keeping the colour scheme of red, pink and white, across all promo
Logos for trailers, possibly a behind the scenes logo

Using a street as a background for images/videos
Using art students as models?

Already started-really good-going to continue the style through all social media
Have it as an established website- articles, have pictures relevant to the articles

Social media accounts:
Instagram and Facebook - link the accounts for the ratio so it’s the same **TALK TO SIMON ABOUT ASPECT RATIO FOR GRAPHICS**
Snapchat- behind the scenes, unscripted for behind the scenes, fun and bouncy

Facebook- logo for the profile picture, banner either a video or picture

Danny will talk to Roch photography students-possibly using fashion pictures from students at UCA
Back drop needed *preferably pink*
Rochester high street for photos?
*Production Manager has contacts for models*

Locations needed:
Base room, lecture room, Roch highstreet, UCA-project space

Aspect ratio
Using logos at the ends of the show/videos

Website with Katie P

I took notes from this meeting as Jemma was blocking the mock up we did. This meeting meant that we were able to answer questions from all the departments, give them their deadlines and give tasks to researchers/producers.
This was an extra day that we did to answer questions in person rather then online.

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