Monday 26 March 2018

Steal the style: Do the Right thing work experience

Do the Right thing - with Eamon and Ruth work experience

For four weeks myself and some other students did some running experience on the studio show for 'Do the Right Thing'.
I gained a lot of knowledge from this experience including;
  • We spoke to the PA (Production Assistant) after filming and asked for advice. She gave us a lot of great information such as counting back from the end of the show to work out how much time to leave for the round up chat.
  • We gained experience working with the talking back and got an appreciation for everyone hearing what you say.
  • We got to work in a working studio and see how the roles work with each other professionally.
  • The Assistant Floor Manager allowed me to look at the script and the running which was a big help when myself and Jemma were writing the running order. It was also a good example of how the script and the running order work with each other, this helped us out with how we should write the timings on it.
From this experience I learnt that, the crew needs to know where things like dressing rooms and toilets are so that they can assist contribs or audiences. 
The audience needs to be briefed before the show on fire exits etc to prevent injury.

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