Thursday 29 March 2018

Steal the style industry research: TV

Industry research: TV

Fashion in TV is a big industry, ranging from TV dramas where character costumes can be brought online to red carpet events that are aired. 
There has been various fashion related TV shows through the years. I did this research to help me understand how fashion is already represented in TV today.

Breakfast TV fashion shows

Breakfast TV regularly includes fashion segments in their shows. They usually revolve around high street stores and the trends that are either going to be popular or already are. They include prices, shops and images of the items.

This Morning Fashion Show Link

The segment's structure varies from show to show, Lorraine has more chat between the "Fashion expert" and the host (Lorraine) rather then the model, however in This Morning the "Fashion Expert" interacts with the model on the catwalk.

How to look good naked

How to Look Good Naked was presented by Gok Wan between 2006 and 2010,  it aimed to show everyday women how look good with their clothes either on or off. 
The show followed a similar structure each episode, the women would come to Gok with their perceived issues about their body and he would go through various shops/challenges to show them how to dress to feel good. It would ultimately end with a naked fashion shoot.
The series itself went through various iterations the fifth and final series of the show focused on women with disabilities and following the same structure of going to high street stores to show them how to dress for their body.

Overall this researched helped me in many ways:
  • By looking at Breakfast TV I was able to fully understand how our producers wanted the show to look/run.
  • It gave a wider appreciation and general knowledge about fashion and how it is spoken about for TV
  • It made me realise that there is an opening in the market for this genre of show 

Monday 26 March 2018

Steal the style: Do the Right thing work experience

Do the Right thing - with Eamon and Ruth work experience

For four weeks myself and some other students did some running experience on the studio show for 'Do the Right Thing'.
I gained a lot of knowledge from this experience including;
  • We spoke to the PA (Production Assistant) after filming and asked for advice. She gave us a lot of great information such as counting back from the end of the show to work out how much time to leave for the round up chat.
  • We gained experience working with the talking back and got an appreciation for everyone hearing what you say.
  • We got to work in a working studio and see how the roles work with each other professionally.
  • The Assistant Floor Manager allowed me to look at the script and the running which was a big help when myself and Jemma were writing the running order. It was also a good example of how the script and the running order work with each other, this helped us out with how we should write the timings on it.
From this experience I learnt that, the crew needs to know where things like dressing rooms and toilets are so that they can assist contribs or audiences. 
The audience needs to be briefed before the show on fire exits etc to prevent injury.

Steal the Style: Mock up blocking

Mock up blocking exercise 

As a practice exercise we blocked the intro to the show as a group (the two producers, two directors, the casting director and the two PAs).
This benefitted everyone involved by;
  • Directors- it allowed the Director's to block out where they wanted cameras, lights, props and the presenters. To an extent it allowed them to see if the set design worked for what they wanted before it was actually built.
  • Producers- this exercise meant that the producers could hear what their script sounded like when it was read out and meant they could make adjustments. It helped them decide things like "Trends on Screen" so myself and Jemma could buy the clothes and take the pictures.
  • PAs- we were able to time roughly how long dialogue would take as well as segments which helped us make our running order.

Over all I think this was a great learning experience for everyone involved. It encouraged us to work as a team, allowed development in the blocking, scripting and the running order. It gave myself and Jemma a rough idea on the timings of the show as this was the first time someone had said the script out loud for us.

Friday 23 March 2018

Steal the Style production meeting- 23/03/2018

Steal the Style production meeting notes- 23/03/2018

Production Meeting- 23rd March 2018

-Script needs to go to the presenters ASAP
- Callum's VT- Presenter Challenge and Online Fails- all filmed, fine cut ready for the 10th.
- Conor’s VT- old to new- fine cut; Etsy VT filming next tuesday- fine cut ready for the 10th.

  • Andrew: rough cuts of catwalk music on the google drive.

  • Titles and trailer shoot
  • Need a reshoot date

Audience-  @ 61 out of 100
Models- Buy bigger sizes for the models


  • Pick up the set the night before,8-5 set rig
  • Behind the scenes- get UCA snapchat/ Instagram
  • Call sheet- after the 10th
  • In ears- need 2

Before the Easter Break we had a final production meeting, this allowed everyone to know where they are with their work and to be given final deadlines for their departments. 

Thursday 15 March 2018

Steal the style: Channel research

Channel research-E4

E4 is a sister channel for Channel 4, it has a niche audience and is funded by it's advertisements.
  • It's daily reach is averaged at (1) "2,877" people
  • It got launched in 2001 (2)
  • It began transmission on freeview 2005
  • It's most successful ages are 16-34 year olds(4)
E4's remit is the same across all related services (Channel 4, E4, More4, Film4, 4Seven, All 4 and digital projects). 
It requires them to be (3) "innovative, to inspire change, to nurture talent and to offer a platform for alternative views".

Steal the Style fit this as it's a show that is fitting into an opening in the market, there is a considerable lack of fashion shows on TV right now. 
It also has a new look on fashion itself as it focuses more on everyday people and affordable accessibility existing to catwalk/high street fashion trends rather then creating new looks.

Because Steal the Style wants to be targeted at 16-50 year olds and is looking to be broadcast at 7pm on a Wednesday I did some research into the type of shows that E4 typically shows at that time.

The show that is usually broadcast then is a re-run of Hollyoaks, this could easily be moved back half an hour. Due to it being one of the biggest and well known shows with a large established audience we wouldn't be able to simply get rid of it from the schedule.
Because it's going to get aired at 7 the show will be able to reach it's full target audience of 16-50 year olds. It would also be able to take advantage of the multiple platforms E4 broadcasts on such as online and target people that way.


(1) BARB Weekly viewing summary -
(2) 4 viewers -
(3) Our remit explained -
(4) E4 celebrates best ever quarter for 16-34 year olds

Friday 9 March 2018

Studio production - promo photo shoot test shots

Promo Photo Shoot 

For the social media promotions it was decided that Instagram was one of the best social media platforms to have fashion photos on.
As assistant producer, I asked the social media/online producer to set a date and time and find contributors for the shoot.
It was decided it would be easier to use students, and as I already knew a fashion photography student, I contacted her for the shoot and put the Producer in contact with models as he was struggling to find them.
As I had made the initial contact with the contributors I kept up with them and tried to make sure they were aware of what was going on.

Due to a scheduling conflicts they had to move the shoot last minute to the next day, so they lost all their models and locations as well as the photographer.
I stepped in as photographer, and three students from the course became models.

Test photos:

 Taken using a Prime Lens (fixed zoom)
Tamron Lens

Over all I found that the Prime would be the best for close up shots, even from a distance it provided a really good image for a close up or an item of clothing.
The Tamron lens was best for longer shots and over all gave a professional look to it.


In general I think the shoot went really well given the previous issues we had had. 
We got some really good shots and they should hopefully look good on the social media after being edited.

Tuesday 6 March 2018

Steal the Style: Info packs

Participent info packs

As part of my assistant producer role I emailed Bonnie, Alfie and Adeline to ask them questions, the answers to which we would be able to use in the script.

We learnt a lot of information this way and it also meant that the participants could ask any questions if they needed to.
From their answers I compiled info packs so the producers could easily find what they needed to.

Production: Role research

To better understand my crew's roles and how I fit in with how they are working I did research into all four roles and what they do dur...