Saturday 13 October 2018

Pre-production- what is my role?

My role - research into being a producer

"The producer is like the conductor of an orchestra. Maybe he can't play every instrument, but he knows what every instrument should sound like" (Producing for TV and New Media: A Real-World Approach for Producers)

What is a Producer?

"producing is the least understood job in television. It's also the most demanding and time consuming of media jobs..." - (Producing for TV and New Media: A Real-World Approach for Producers). Producing is a job that follows a production through from pre-production to post, the role requirements depend on the genre of show being made and what kind of producer a person is.

"A documentary producer is the person who makes a documentary film happen. The producer may have to act as a manager, a financier, a visionary and an entrepreneur. Sometimes they're directors, cinematographers and writers. These are the people in charge of all aspects of making a documentary film." -(Documentary Producer, What they do - CFNC.ORG) As my group are making a Documentary about LGBTQ+ it's my responsibility to work closely with Jemma (Director) and Gavin (DOP) to make sure that we are all on the same page in terms of ideas, and ensuring that everything we do stays within budget. Because I am working in a group with a DOP and a Director some of the roles traditionally given to a Documentary producer are someone else's job. However I'll be collaborating with everyone to create a documentary that we are all happy with.
Producers with the production team (e.g. Directors) to ensure that everything runs to plan and smoothly , they are often required to take charge of a situation.
In the case of our project I'll be working with Jemma as Director to make sure that her creative vision works with what I'd like from the film and that I'm able to get her contributors/locations within our budget that would still be effective.
I work with Gavin as DOP talking about cameras and kit that he needs to achieve the images he wants to get within Jemma and I's idea, further ensuring that he keeps the core intention of the doc and stays within budget. 

Main Duties

"Being a producer means you have to do everything if you want to see the project through...most documentaries are done on a shoestring budget, and you wear many hats in the course of the project." - (Documentary Producer-What they do, CFNC.ORG)
In contrast to this I'll be working closely with the production team (Jemma and Gavin) while we go through the project.
My responsibilities will include:
  • Develop ideas and concepts
  • Co-writing and developing scripts with the director
  • Creating a detailed budget plan and schedule for filming
  • Finding kit rentals 
  • Finding contributors and locations
  • Following progress of the project from Pre-production to Post, holding regular production meetings through the process
  • Building a network of contacts that we can use
  • Finding any potential funding and publicity for the filming
  • Making sure everything is being done safely and correctly

Who do they work with?

A Producer is required to have good working relationships with everyone within the production team. However there are certain people more then others that they need to work as a united team, over time when working with various people they'll find crew members that they trust and share creative visions with.
"Over time, you'll build your team of experienced, talented, and collaborative crew members who can be trusted and share your vision. They are, quite simply, your lifeline." -(Producing for TV and New Media: A Real-World Approach for Producers)
The Director and the Producer need to share creative ideas and be on the same page as well as be able to compromise on some things, overall they need to be a cohesive team and communicate with the rest of the crew. 

Pre-production role

Within the pre-production process multiple ideas come together and develop into a final product, the more time and attention that gets put into the pre-production phases (I.E. research of topics) the less expensive the production will be.
Things a Documentary Producer should remember during pre-production:
  • There's no substitute for a good story 
  • Working with great people is better then working with a lot of money
  • How to write
  • How to use as much of your production gear as possible (just in case you need to during filming)
  • How to budget (and stay within it)
  • If you're travelling with equipment show up really early to the airport
  • If you're going on location somewhere it's best to have someone local on crew
  • It's never going to be the way you expect it to be
  • It's ok to ask for advice
  • Everything takes longer then you think it will
-(Producing for TV and New Media: A Real-World Approach for Producers)

From this I have learnt that the quicker the story is secure and finalised the more time I have for scripting, budgeting, casting and scheduling. I need be prepared if things go wrong and have back up plans for these issues that are accommodated within both the budget and schedule.
As well as the importance for keeping good working relationships between the crew, that way they'll work well together and produce good work between us all.

"The producer's team succeeds through mutual trust, respect, humour and shared vision." -(Producing for TV and Video: A Real-World Approach) 

Production role

"...the producer takes an active part in the production stage...The producer also keep the action moving along, knows who is doing what job stays on top of what needs to get done..." -(Producing for TV and Video: A Real-World Approach) it isn't always required for the Producer to be present on set while filming, however during our shoots I will be present and able to help out when needed and answer any questions people may have. This way I can see what is being filmed and how it looks, as well as being there if there was any trouble.
During filming my jobs will include:
  • Reviewing footage from the day
  • Having any creative input 
  • Assisting crew if needed 
  • Being on hand if any problems arise 
  • Make sure filming is staying on schedule and within budget 

Post-production role

Generally speaking the producer will over see the entire project through to post-production. During our post-production phase I will be collaborating with Gavin while he edits as will Jemma, and contributing any ideas I can. As well as this I'll be able to see if all the footage works together and if we need a reshoot at all.


From this research I learnt;

  • What my role is in at each stage of production so that I can confidently assist the rest of the crew with their work.
  • Know how my role fits in with roles such as the Director and how we can collaborate.
  • I now have an understanding for the importance of being able to multitask.
  • Having a full understanding of my role means that I can do it to the best of my ability.

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