Tuesday 30 October 2018

Pre-Production: Terminology

As our documentary aims to educate people on the different aspects of Drag culture, I decided it would be best to do some research into genders, sexualities and general drag terms. This is because our main contributor is bi-sexual and non-binary.

What is the difference between gender and sex?


Either of the two sexes (male and female), especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones. The term is also used more broadly to denote a range of identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female. (Oxford english dictionary)
Gender is an ideology that is established through social constructs, it can go beyond male or female.

Different Genders include but are not limited to:


A genderqueer person may identify as neither gender, both, or a combination. They do not subscribe to the traditional gender binary. 
Someone who is genderfluid feels that their gender is fluid and can change and vary over time. They may use gender-neutral pronouns such as “they/them,” as can non-binary or genderqueer people.
Non-binary is an umbrella term for people whose gender is not just male or female. Someone can be trans, genderfluid, genderqueer, and non-binary all at the same time. (Cosmopolitan)


From this I learnt the different genders and how it is a spectrum, through this I am able to talk to contributors about it if it gets brought up in conversation. Since our lead contributor is non-binary, by being educated on that I can be more respectful towards them.


Either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and most other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions. (Oxford english dictionary) 

Sex is defined from someones genitals/biological sex.
Someone's sexuality is defined as who (if anyone) they find attractive, some sexualities include:

Heterosexual- The attraction to a gender different from their own (commonly used to describe someone who is gender binary [female or male] attracted to the other binary gender).

HomosexualThe attraction to a gender the same as their own (commonly used to describe someone who is gender binary [female or male] attracted to the same binary gender).  Sometimes referred to as gay.

Bisexual- When you are attracted to two or more genders.  This term is generally used to describe being attracted to men and women, but can apply to being attracted to any two or more genders. Note that you do not have to be equally attracted to each gender.

Pansexual- When you are attracted to all genders and/or do not concern gender when you are attracted towards someone

Polysexual- When you are attracted to many genders

Monosexual- Being attracted to only one gender

Demisexual- When you only experience sexual attraction after forming a strong emotional bond first or a romantic bond (PBHS Closet Sexualities)
From this I was able to learn the difference between sex and gender which is often an important point of reference when people talk about drag queens, or trans people etc.


pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun or noun phrase. Pronouns refer to either a noun that has already been mentioned or to a noun that does not need to be named specifically.(Merriam Webster) In most cases in general conversation they refer to someones gender.


From this I was able to become aware of different pronouns, this was important as our contributor Tanya has already stated that she has different pronouns while in drag and this could be the same for our other contribs. This will avoid potentially offending anyone involved in filming.

What is drag?

Drag queen, a man who dresses in women’s clothes and performs before an audience. (Britannica)

Transvestite, someone who gets pleasure by wearing the opposite gender's clothes.


This was an important difference to understand and be able to explain to people when defining the difference between a drag queen and a transvestite. This again avoids offending anyone who is taking part or watching the Documentary

What's erasure?

Erasure is the act of removing or ignoring something and is most commonly in relation to Bisexual people "Bisexual Erasure", the act of removing, ignoring or falsifying Bisexual People in the media or other sources eg. believing bisexuality does not exist. It also means people generally only believe that all other genders between male and female and any other sexuality other than heterosexual doesn't exist.

Other terms

Heteronormative- believing heterosexuality is what's normal.

Cishet- some who is cisgendered and heterosexual.

Polyamorous- people who have or are open to have consensual relationships with multiple people at a time.

Monoamorous/Monogamous- people who have or are open to having relationships with only one other person at a time.

Queer- anyone who doesn't identify as cisgender and/or heterosexual.

Ally- a supporter of the LGBTQ+ community that doesn't identify as LGBTQ+.


This research helped me get a better understanding of the LGBTQ+ community it's allowed me to become more educated on things that can/do affect our interviewees. It's also allowed me to have a better general over view of different terms and subjects in general.

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