Sunday 28 January 2018

Studio production: role research

Role research

In preparation for my interview on Friday for my studio production role I did some research into what each one I applied for entailed. My first choice was: VT researcher/Floor Manager
My second choice was: Production Manager/Gallery P.A.
The aim of this research was to allow me to go into my interview with a better sense of the roles I had applied for and could there for talk about them more.

VT Researcher

Floor Manager

(1)Part of the responsibilities of a floor manager are that sets, props and technical equipment are safe, ready to use and in the correct positions before filming commences. 
They liaise and coordinate between the directer and the people involved in the actual production on the studio floor.
It's their responsibility to pass on cues between presenters and guests to make sure that timings are met and that the broadcast goes smoothly, and according to the set plan. They'll make sure people that are taking part know their particular role and how it fits in with everything else is going on.
Their responsibilities include: 
  • Checking equipment is working before a show
  • Seat the audience
  • Refer to floor plans as and when needed
  • Assist the guests on the show
  • Relay instructions from the control room to the studio floor using a talkback system
  • Keeping the director and the producer informed of action off-camera
  • Assist in the planning and preparation of productions
  • Oversee the work of other departments such as; sound, lighting and props
  • Rehearse live shows
  • Give cues and time counts to presenters, actors or guests
  • Organise runners to make the best use of the studio's time
  • Look ahead in the programme schedule to anticipate the changes to the set, or to see what props are going to be needed later in the show
  • Have a brief and look and those who are involved in the programme
  • Manage the audience (explain safety requirements, show timings and what will happen during filming and when the programme will be aired)
  • Deal with any tech problems
  • Control the studio and stop the production if necessary
  • Liaise with public relations staff to agree who will be interviewed (eg. at sports events)
  • Pass information and progress reports from live events to studio presenters
  • Adhere to health and safety regulations (keeping 'safe areas' and fire exits clear of equipment)
Production Manager

(2)Production managers are responsible for the organisational aspects of production scheduling and budgeting. 
They work in all genres of TV.
They assist the producer to interpret and realise the director's vision, financially and logistically. They prepare production schedules or script breakdowns to confirm that sufficient time has been allocated for all aspects of the production process, and to check the producer's budget and schedule.
They report directly to producers, work closely with all the heads of department to ensure that productions run smoothly, meet deadlines and stay within the budgets. Throughout the shooting, they monitor schedules and budgets, prepare daily report sheets for producers, detailing all aspects of each day's shoot.
During pre-production and shooting production managers deal with any unexpected circumstances and prepare workable alternative plans. They over see all aspects of the day-to-day running of shoots, from the contract prep to all health and safety requirements, they work closely with members of all other production departments, actors and other contributors.

Production managers:
  • Understand the tech processes involved in television production, including camera, lighting, sound and editing
  • Know how to ensure that all necessary licences and clearances have been obtained for a production
  • Have highly developed communication skills
  • Have strong problem-solving skills
  • Be able to work effectively, and with diplomacy and sensitivity, with all members of the production team, and with actors/other contributors/members of the public
  • Have advanced analytical skills
  • Have strong budgeting and financial skills
  • Pay precise attention to detail and have a methodical approach to work
  • Have excellent organisational skills
  • Be able to conceptualise ideas
  • Have strong IT skills, and knowledge of the relevant computer packages
  • Understand how to comply with regulations relating to liability and indemnity when shooting in different locations 
  • Have up-to-date working knowledge of relevant UK union and/or broadcaster regulations and agreements 
  • Know how to access information about and comply with, corresponding regulations and agreements in other countries
  • Possess current knowledge of relevant legislation, regulations and associated procedures, including copyright, data protection, public liability
  • Have knowledge of the requirements of the relevant health and safety legislation and procedures

Gallery P.A.

The interview

Whilst in my meeting with Helen and Jo about the possible jobs I could do it was suggested to me that I think about being an Assistant Producer/Gallery P.A. as it would expand my skill set more then staying with researching roles.

As an assistant producer and gallery p.a. I started off researching all of my requirements within the role, this allows me to know everything I will be expected to do.

Assistant Producer

(3) Assistant producers (otherwise known as associate producers) have a significant role in the development of a production.
They can help contribute any ideas creatively toward the project and generally take on roles that have been delegated to them through the Producer. 
They work in the development and pre-production stages on the production. 
The duties they have can range anywhere from supervision over the production design team through to post-prod, or co-ordinating the work of the visual effects companies.

(4) An assistant producer needs to be:
  • Well organised
  • Highly flexible
  • Good planning and organisational skills
  • Good communication skills
  • Good time managment
  • Excellent clerical skills
  • Good work ethic
  • A strong sense of loyalty and responsibility
  • Be highly computer literate
  • Have a keen interest in the business of filmmaking
  • Have some understanding of the film production process
  • Have some experience of script reading
  • Be aware of any health and safety laws and procedures
They will provide admin support to the Producer, and the Producer will give them tasks to do daily throughout production. Duties can range from writing coverage on script, drafting letters and making phone calls. They may also have to run an office, interview personnel, co-ordinate the fundraising process and assist with duties on and off set. They'll liaise between the producer and the post production team, they'll also help prepare publicity materials.

Gallery P.A.

(5) The role of the Gallery P.A. is to keep the show on time, it includes counting down interviews and VTs as well as counting into a live programme in a 2 min/1 min, 30 second/20 second/10,9,8....
A show can also include other counts such as:
  • Counting into a rehearsal
  • Counting down to the beginning of a live show or recording
  • Counting into, through and out of every pre-recorded item or insert
  • Timing the length of each section of the programme whether that is scripted or as directed
  • Counting down to the end of the show
  • Counting character generators onto air
  • Counting presenters into live voice-overs on videos items and into, through and out of interviews
  • Counting to pre faded music
All of this is done with multiple stop watches. It's the PA's job to remind the director of any time problems with the schedule or the script. However it's the directors and producers jobs to work out what to do when/if the show over runs.

(1) 'Television Floor Manager' -
(2) 'Production Manager' -
(3) 'Assistant producer' -
(4) 'Producer's Assistant' -
(5) 'P.A./Script superviser' - Cue and Cut

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