Wednesday, 21 September 2016

21/09/16 Speed pitching

We were given 3 guidelines and were asked to write a 25 word synopsis of the film (using a newspaper as inspiration) we would create in those guidelines.

Thriller staring a celebrity

Leonardo Dicaprio on trial pleading his innocence after being accused for brutally murdering an elderly man and stealing a safe that's still not been found. (24 words)

Original story about a man and his wife who were burgled, the events ended in the man being killed and their money being stolen. We used this story as it had potential to be a fast paced and interesting however we wrote it from the murders side (Leo Dicap) as it would make it easier for us to add twists and make the story more complex if we wanted. 

British comedy series late night Channel 4
First time on drugs, the youngest, most disappointing son is in trouble again after attacking a beefeater guard in his underwear (21 words)

Original story of a American man who attacked police officers in his underwear. 
We picked this story as Channel 4 has a remit of breaking boundaries and therefore being risky, therefore a story line that included things such as drugs and outrageous behaviour would fit with the channel and the time of showing.

Low budget short film set on a council estate
Loose change

A fortunate young girl from Chelsea dreams of an independent life away from her rule binding Parents by moving across country (21 words)

Our original story featured a poor girl rising up and achieving her dreams, however Simon helped us realise that this had been used multiple times and would therefore be more interesting if we swapped it to a privileged person choosing to be in a poorer environment.

From this task I learnt both how to pick out a develop stories from other sources and how to work with another person and their ideas. We actually had more then one on many occasions and this allowed us to pick the idea that was the best.
Because of this our synopsis' were the combination of both our ideas and were therefore better then what they would have been had it been one of us or if we didn't go through the process of developing our ideas.

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